AVLYST – «The human construction» Tove-Elena Nicolaysen

Nordic Black Theatre & Cafeteatret tar en for laget og holder stengt t.o.m. 13. april.

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Vi beklager de ulemper dette medfører.

«The human construction»

Choreographed and performed by Tove-Elena Nicolaysen
Duration: 50 minutter
Pris: 150 kr/ 100 kr student/arb. ledig


human butoh
“The human construction” is an intense and near butoh performance. With emphasis on the
expressive body and an experimental electro acoustic soundscape, the piece uncovers human
instinct, memory and experience.
“The character structure of a modern individual, who reproduces a six- thousand -year- old
patriarchal authoritarian culture is typified by a characterological armoring against the inner
natures agony . The characterological armoring of the character is the basis of neurotically
impotent rebelliousness and human misery “. W. Reich


Bio Tove-Elena Nicolaysen /52 hertz hybrid art
Nicolaysen is a hybrid butoh artist and producer based in Norway. She focuses on the
connection between body and mind through butoh related movement practices, as well as
installation and performance.
Nicolaysen has Chilean ancestry from her father, and has actively sought a link with her
Latin roots throughout her career, starting her physical theater studies at Nordic Black
Her first encounter with Butoh dance is in 2000, as a student at Nordic Black Theatre theatre
school, through the Norwegian choreographers Øyvind Jørgensen and Ellen Johannesen.
This first encounter with butoh dance has such a strong impact that it promptly encourages
Nicolaysen to travel through Europe in search of Butoh. She finds this at J. Walker’s school
for Physical Expression in Barcelona. At this time butoh is thriving in Barcelona through
Rosanna Barras international butoh festival “Barcelona en Butoh”, thus this city is where
Nicolaysen grows her first stems as a butoh dancer and choreographer.
She gets the opportunity to study with more than 25 Japanese and international butoh
masters and choreographers in Europe, South America, USA and Japan. In 2018 Nicolaysen
premiered her solo “The Human Construction” at Fibutoh international butoh festival in
Santiago, Chile.
Karl Thomas Ingvaldsen-Mo  Komponist/ Musiker:
Er musiker/komponist, bosatt i Kongsvinger. Ingvaldsen-Mo jobber med flere
uttrykksformer i sine produksjoner, fra klassisk, kontemporær til EDM, i en kombinasjon
mellom improvisasjon og komposisjon av lyd/musikk. Hans uttrykk kan karakteriseres som
episk, der lytteren får rom til indre bilder og narrativer. Ved å bruke klassisk
instrumentalisering og harmoni trekker han auditive paralleller til klassisk musikk og tidlig
musikk med barokkfiolin, tidlig musikalsk sangteknikk og mikrotonalitet.
Han bruker også strupesangteknikker fra urfolkssamfunn og musikalske sjangre tilhørende
skalaer fra Colombia, Ecuador, Peru og Norsk-samisk joik. For så å bryte det opp og bygge
nye lydelementer gjennom elektroniske hjelpemidler som programmering, feltopptak,
prosessering, looping og en kombinasjon av organisk og elektronisk fremstilt lyd