Samba-Reggae Drum Workshops

Family Reggae, Nordic Black Theatre & Horisont present:

Samba-Reggae Drum Workshops
for all ages
lørdag 3. mars 14:00 – 16:00
Three drum workshops for all ages in february and march – free entrance  /  Tre trommeverksteder for alle alder i februar og mars – gratis inngang
workshops are aimed at whole family…children from 4/5 yrs old upwards, mum, dad, grandparents, everyone!
drums will be from brazil but rhythms will include rock, funk, samba and of course reggae!
no previous experience needed..come and learn to how to play in a band straightaway
there will be plenty of fun rhythm games to warm up , demonstrations of each instruments and lots of chances to play each drum in a warm, friendly and relaxed environment.
for those who want to, the experience will include a performance at the Family Reggae Disco the following day to friends and family…
special guests to include teachers from beatlife, liverpool…over 10 years experience of helping children from all over the world play, enjoy and engage with music
we hope this will be the launch pad for a community group that can play throughout the year
Sat 3rd March + Sun 4th March,
Cafeteatret, Hollender gt. 8, Grønland
kl. 14.00 – 16.00
and then:
Sat 24th March + Sun 25th March
All sessions are open to all and free of charge.
første verksted:
lør 3. mars + Søn 4. mars
på Cafeteatret, Hollendergt 8, Grønland
og på Family Reggae Disco, søndag 5. feb :: kl. 15:00 :: Sagene Samfunnshus, Sagene

og så:
lør 24. mars + søn 25. mars
verksteder er gratis
family regge disco website will be updated with info of all sessions: