Nordic Black Theatre presents the Norwegian premiere of “Open House”, a site-specific play by Aaron Landsman, directed by Brendan McCall. Each performance will take place in a different apartment in Oslo, by a rotating cast of three actors, in English with Norwegian. “Open House” is McCall´s first time directing for Nordic Black Theatre, and the first time Landsman´s play has been performed in Scandinavia.
Nordic Black Theatre
The Norwegian premiere of
By Aaron Landsman
Directed by Brendan McCall
Assistant Directed by Deise Nunes
Produced by Cliff Moustache
Performed by Amalie Eggen, Christian Mark Bakke Eidem, Mankirat Singh, Jahanger Ali, Gabriel Hart, Jenny Mueni Ndunda, Kaleb Halle, Camilla Dahl Johannessen, and Junaid Khan.
The performances will be held Thursday 7th, friday 8th and saturday 9th
and then
Thursday 14th, Friday 15th, Saturday 16th and Sunday 17th
and finally Thursday 21st, Friday 22nd and Saturday 23rd (Saturday 23rd is cancelled)
all performances at 19.30
a review of the performance:
Each performance in a different apartment in Oslo – directions will be given with each reservation
Every performance is FREE, but requires a reservation at
Running time: 70 minutes. In English with some Norwegian
Critics welcome to all performances.
Nordic Black Theatre:
Aaron Landsman:
Brendan McCall:
These performances of Open House made possible, in part, by the US Embassy in Oslo.