Dobbelkonsert med Javid Afsari Rad Trio + Arash Moradi/Habib Meftah
tirsdag 27. februar
Dørene åpner 19:00
Billettpris: 180,-
Dørene åpner 19:00
Billettpris: 180,-

Javid Afsari Rad Trio ble etablert i 2016 og består av Javid Afsari Rad på det persiske instrumentet santur, Harpreet Bansal på fiolin og Tove Margrethe Erikstad på cello.
Trioen spiller komposisjoner av Javid som er inspirert av persisk, indisk og arabisk musikktradisjon. Javid vokste opp i Iran, men har bodd 30 år i Norge. Dette har gjort at musikken hans også har fått et preg av vestlig klassisk musikk. Trioen består av høyt profilerte musikere i Norge innen indisk, persisk og vestlig klassisk musikk.
Arash Moradi, son of the legendary Ali Akbar Moradi –the most eminent tanbour master of our time– grew up in Kermanshah. Since 2000, he has been living in London. The Yaresan tanbour tradition is his soul; London his home. Having extensively performed with some of the most prominent musicians of Iran, the Middle East and Western Europe. Arash is now proposing his own composition work. Careful not to betray his tradition –his essence as a person– he builds a bridge to his life and musical experience in the West. In this sense, he has put together an orchestrating scheme that focuses on the tanbour–its modes, techniques and sounds– as a path to a new mystic experience.
Habib Meftah Boushehri was born in the city Boushehr on the shores of the Persian Gulf and currently resides in Paris. At the age of 10 he had already started playing traditional flutes and percussion instruments. In 1998 Habib entered a 16 year long collaboration with the Shanbezadeh ensemble, and together they were invited to play at several international festivals. In 2001 he was invited to play with the French dance company Montalvo-Hervieu, touring the world yet again. He debuted as a solo artist in 2005 with the album Deyzangeroo, later to be followed by his second album Solouk (Helheleh), a duo with oudist Shahram Gholami. Always looking for new inspiration, he moved to Iran to work with many different Iranian fusion artists such as Manushan, Peter Soleimanipour and Darkoob. Back in Paris, he started playing with the renowned musicians such as Niaz, Azarin Trio, Qasideh, Impure Dance Company, Rumi Ensemble, Trio Joubran, Adnan Joubran and Titi Robin. The most renowned venues Habib has performed at are: – Theatre de la ville (Paris) – Theatre national de Chaillot (Paris) – Louvre museum (Paris) – New Morning (Paris) – Alhambra (Paris) – Theater Antique (Lyon) – Barbican (London) – El rey theatre (Los Angeles) – Carnegie Hall (New york)