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Film: PUSH
(Fredrik Gertten, Sverige 2019, 92 min)
Er retten til bolig en menneskerett? Og hva skjer med byer som blir utsatt for eiendomsspekulasjon av en finansindustri som kun er ute etter rask profitt uten tanke for konsekvensene?
I filmen følger vi Leilani Farha, FNs spesialrapportør for retten til bolig, mens hun reiser rundt og belyser at boliger har blitt en vare for finansspekulanter. «Bolig er ikke en vare, bolig er en menneskerett», sier Leilani.
BILLETTER: 80,- (50,- for studenter)
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Cafeteateret på Grønland, Hollendergata 8.
(Ta 37-bussen til Politihuset.)
Landlords without faces. Apartments without renters. A documentary exploring the new, unliveable city. Housing prices are skyrocketing in cities around the world. Incomes are not. PUSH sheds light on a new kind of faceless landlord, our increasingly unliveable cities and an escalating crisis that has an effect on us all. This is notgentrification, it’s a different kind of monster.The film follows Leilani Farha, the UN Special Rapporteur on Adequate Housing, as she’s travelling the globe, trying to understand who’s being pushed out of the city and why. “I believe there’s a huge difference between housing as a commodity and gold as a commodity. Gold is not a human right, housing is,”says Leilani.