tar en for laget og holder stengt t.o.m. 13. april.
Vi avlyser alle forestillinger, konserter, private arrangementer og andre publikumsaktiviteter. Dersom du har kjøpt billett gjennom vårt billettsystem på TicketCo vil du snart bli kontaktet og få refundert kjøpet. Dette gjelder også forestillingen «After The Dream» på Den Norske Opera og Ballett. Operaen kontakter publikum angående deres billettkjøp så raskt som mulig.
Vi beklager de ulemper dette medfører.
In|Between is a modular visual performance by Deep Control Collective, an outcome of a collaboration between Zofia Jakubiec, Piotr Mateusz Wach with Oslo based musician Fangarm and duo of VJ/ video artists from Oslo We are the worms.
The evening is divided into two parts, created by two different artists reflect the identity conflict of the people who emigrated to another country. What is your place in society and how emigrating to a country that is not your own unsettle your sense of belonging? Multicultural societies may wonder if this is a new arising national identity, and if so, how countries react to it.
In | Between:
Part 1 created by Zofia Jakubiec
Taking the indistinct state of In | Between as a starting point, the piece establishes a visual language inspired by this tenuous space. Five dancers – five travelers – bring to the stage the process of finding and losing themselves in a dynamic, emotional dance. The performance functions as an abstract painting, designed with space and time.
This collection of images drawn by the body, movement, textiles, and text in space reflects on the subject using Nayyirah Waheed poetry. The sharp and warm way in which Nayyirah Waheed speaks about identity, human relationships, emotions, cultural diversities, and longing is unique and inspiring. Rhythms and meanings of the poems color the movement in this piece. As a costume designer Zofia Jakubiec works with the idea of dressing the moment. She is observing the space around the body and movement and dressing it together in space – in conceptual kinespheric costume. In this piece dancers are dressed in a visual environment that support the movement
Landing created by Piotr Mateusz Wach
Wach, by basing the creative process on provocation, explores strategies for building relationships in a new group and tries to define where the boundary lies between what is substantial for the individual and what is valuable for the community. By asking artists to enter the space of weirdness and constant supporting them to transcend themselves, the author wonders how the process of forming the society develops.
By continuing to focus his artistic interest on fetishism and voyeurism, Wach surrounds the topics of longing and frustration with almost irrational worship. By isolating them from their original contexts, he provokes the audience to study their peculiarities in the space of expanded perception. Artists by performing different states of the body and consciousness, travel in the fog of memories, expectations, and anxiety, taking their first steps in the unknown territory.