Creative Day // Let’s Paint a magical landscape together

lørdag 19. oktober kl 12:00, Gratis


Place: Nordic Black Theatre Studio
**We meet at 11:30 at Nordic Black Theatre and head to our Studio across the street

Join us for a creative journey where we will paint a magical landscape together! This workshop is designed to inspire your imagination and help you connect with the natural beauty of the world around us. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced artist, you’ll leave with your own vibrant, dreamlike artwork that reflects the magic of nature. Let’s explore colors, shapes, and creativity in a relaxed and joyful atmosphere.

Запрошуємо вас на творчий майстер-клас, де ми разом малюватимемо чарівний пейзаж! Цей захід створений, щоб надихнути вашу уяву і допомогти вам відчути красу природи навколо нас. Незалежно від вашого досвіду, ви створите яскраву картину, що відображатиме магію природи. Давайте разом досліджувати кольори, форми та творчість у невимушеній та радісній атмосфері.


This project is an expression of solidarity with the Ukrainian people. Our aim is to bring the moment of joy, play and creativity and be together at this vulnerable time.

Come and enjoy some family time at Nordic Black Theatre, where some exciting activities await you and your little ones. It’s important to know how we can instill in our children the concept of solidarity.The event is supported by Sparebankstiftelsen DNB.