2.–5. november, 150 kr/100 kr (honnør/student)
Doors open 18:00 and start 19:00 on the 2nd
5th of November doors open 21:30 and start 22:00 until late
Saturday 2nd of November at 19:00
Tuesday 5th of November at 22.00 (Doors open 21:30) ELECTION NIGHT SPECIAL
A staged reading
IT IS JUST AFTER MIDNIGHT IN THE WHITE HOUSE…the night before Donald Trump loses the election of 2020. Watching TV, alone in the President’s Dining Room, Trump – frustrated and enraged – is torn by his options: to continue his false claims of a stolen election, or to graciously accept defeat. In other words: to concede or not to concede.
Suddenly there is a presence in the room. A tall, dark figure brings Trump food and friendly conversation, but also confrontation and introspection on this, his darkest night.
Who is this man? What is his purpose just here, just tonight? And how does Donald Trump tackle the truths he tells?
With the Possible Exception of Abraham Lincoln is a new play by David Chocron. This is a “staged reading”, the two characters will be reading from their scripts, but also performing and moving on stage to give the audience an indication of how the final production might be presented.
The audience is invited to stay after the performance for a moderated feedback session with David and Jason.
Jason Nemor Harden is well-known to Nordic Black Theatre’s audience through his leading roles as Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, Paul Robeson and Muhammed Ali.
Tuesday 5th of November ELECTION NIGHT SPECIAL
Tuesday November 5th is ELECTION DAY in the USA, and we gather at Cafeteatret for a special edition of «With the Possible Exception of Abraham Lincoln» – with live music, TV coverage of the election, discussions, President Trivia quiz, and Andy C’s legendary Sloppy Joes and snacks!
Doors open at 9:30 PM, (no entry after the play begins)
22:00 – «With the Possible Exception of Abraham Lincoln», A Staged Reading of a New Play by David Chocron, with Jason Harden and David Chocron ––
23:30 – A discussion about the play and phenomenon Trump, led by NRK’s Christian Borch
00:30 – Music and Mingling – Live Music, artists TBA
01:30 – Andy C’s Famous Sloppy Joes aka SLEEPY JOES with all the fixin’s. PLUS we start live tv coverage on the Big Screen
02:00 – Presidential Quiz w/ Alfred E. Newman
02.30 – Live Coverage, Snacks and mingling
En iscenesatt lesning
DET ER RETT OVER MIDNATT I DET HVITE HUS…natten før Donald Trump tapte valget i 2020. Alene i presidentens spisestue, er en frustrert og rasende president dratt mellom to alternativer: å fortsette med sine falske påstander om valgfusk og et stjålet valg, eller å velvillig akseptere nederlag. To concede or not to concede.
Plutselig fornemmer presidenten en skikkelse i rommet. En høy, mørk herre bringer Trump mat og beroligende konversasjon, som etterhvert utvikler seg til konfrontasjon og selvransakelse.
Hvem er denne mannen? Hvilken hensikt har han, her, og akkurat i kveld? Og hvordan takler Donald Trump sannhetene han får høre?
With the Possible Exception of Abraham Lincoln er et nytt stykke skrevet av David Chocron.
Formen er en iscenesatt lesning. Publikum er invitert til å bli igjen etter forestillingen og bidra med tilbakemeldinger og kommentarer til det man opplevde.
Jason Nemor Harden er kjent for Nordic Black Theatres publikum gjennom sine hovedroller som bl.a. Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, Paul Robeson and Muhammed Ali.
On stage/på scenen:
Jason Nemor Harden
David Chocron
Written by/manus:
David Chocron
Produced with support from Stiftelsen Fritt Ord.
Lørdag 2. november, kl. 19.00
Billettpris kr. 150/100 (honnør/student)