Welcome to one of the most positive, dynamic and inclusive open stages in Oslo!
Musicians * Dancers * Actors * Poets * Singers * Comedians /// All xpressions are welcome!
sign-up for open stage from 7pm
påmelding for åpen scene fra kl. 19:00
showcase begins kl 20:00 / 8pm /// after showcase the stage is OPEN
Dates for spring 2016:
27. jan, 17. feb, 9. mars, 30. mars, 27. april, 18. mai,
8. juni, 29. juni (outdoors!)
This Open Xpressions is a part of International Jazz Days 2016. All forms of performance are welcome as usual. Jazz musicians, dancers, singers etc are extra welcome!
Open Xpressions is streamed live and can be watched afterwards here: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/nordicblacktheatre-livestream