lørdag 1. juni kl 12:00, Gratis
Place: Nordic Black Theatre Studio
**We meet at 11:30 at Nordic Black Theatre and head to our Studio across the street.
English below
Stitches of Care
Artist: Anastasya Kizilova
Prosjekt om redesign, inkludering og dialog
Målet med prosjekter er å tilby ny møteplass hvor folk fra Ukraina og andre land kan samles, dele erfaringer med gjenbruk og reparasjon av klær, lære om gjenbruk og dekorasjon fra en erfaren tekstilkunstner. For de som har lyst til å lære å sy med ulike syteknikker som patchwork, tekstilmaling, applikasjon, broderi og mye annet. Det kreves ingen forkunnskaper. Kursleder er masterstudent Anastasia Kizilova ved Kunsthøyskolen i Oslo, som er en erfaren skredder og kunstner.
Stitches of Care
Artist: Anastasya Kizilova
Project about redesign, inclusion and dialogue
The aim of the project is to provide a new meeting place where folks from Ukraine and other countries can gather, share experiences of reusing and repairing clothes, learn about reuse and decoration from an experienced textile artist. For those who want to learn to sew with different sewing techniques such as patchwork, textile painting, appliqué, embroidery and much more. No prior knowledge is required. The course leader is master’s student Anastasia Kizilova at the Oslo National Academy of the Arts, who is an experienced tailor and artist.
This project is an expression of solidarity with the Ukrainian people. Our aim is to bring the moment of joy, play and creativity and be together at this vulnerable time.
Come and enjoy some family time at Nordic Black Theatre, where some exciting activities await you and your little ones. It’s important to know how we can instill in our children the concept of solidarity.The event is supported by Sparebankstiftelsen DNB.