Theatre Continuo presents: «Now…….?»

Continuo Theatre: «NOW….?»

på Cafeteatret

fredag 10. mai kl. 19:30 – kr 50

lørdag 11. mai kl. 19:30 – kr 50


When the members of Continuo Theatre were preparing their  new street project called NOW….?, theydecided to work only with their immediate personal feelings, experiences, dreams and perceptions collected during their everyday  work and life. During the time they have worked out an open structure which provides a lot of space for improvisation and work with stimuli from the time and place where a particular performance will take place.

Radio news, newspaper articles, generally accepted “truths”, which are taken as given and never discussed, and topics which are discussed all the time, dreams and the latest experiences of all the Continuo members – all these have become the sources of the new performance. After having used personal life stories of particular people in their performances, this time Continuo is trying to introduce a theatrical experiment – it is an attempt of producing the performance in a “live broadcast”, i.e. now.

Continuo is based on physical theatre above all. A performer´s body, breath, voice, words and singing are brought face to face with the image of the world whose formation we all participate in. What is stronger? Our own inner feelings and what we experience ourselves or our opinions and attitudes which are formed under the never ending influence of our environment?

Are we able to say anything authentic or is it possible nothing but to copy, cut, and patch together? Are we able to accept our experiences, feelings, states, pictures from our dreams which we might not understand and we are not able to express in words although they are true because we have experienced and experience them?  NOW….? is an attempt to transfer these pre-verbal states of a soul into such a form which can be communicated to other people even if it is not expressed in words. It is expressed in the movements of the performers´ bodies and various visual means. It is expressed in the unique co-existence of a fragile human body and its soul. It is poetry with as well as without words, it is poetry on “the edge of understanding where words fail although there is still a sense.” (T. S. Eliot)


Direction: Pavel Štourač

Script: Continuo

Stage design: Continuo

Music: Alessandro La Rocca and Continuo

Cast: Kateřina Šobáňová, Zuzana Smolová, Alessandro La Rocca, Ivo Jurečka, Martin Janda, Michal Puhač

Light design: Pavel Štourač

Graphic design: Michal Puhač and Continuo

Production: Martina Mohlová, Zuzana Bednarčíková, Jakub Vedral – Art Prometheus, o.s.

Production of Plum Yard: Vít Krajčovič


Theatre Continuo webside:

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