Om Nordic Black Theatre
Nordic Black Theatre er en selveid teaterstiftelse etablert i 1992. Stiftelsen produserer egne forestillinger, går inn i kreative samarbeidsprosesser med andre kunstnere og utvikler unge multikulturelle scenekunstnere gjennom Nordic Black Express.
Nordic Black Theatre tilhørte først Parkteateret på Grunerløkka. I 2001 kjøpte stiftelsen båten MS Innvik. Teaterbåten med tilhørende scene og bed & breakfast lå i Bjørvika frem til 2010. I 2011 kjøpte stiftelsen den gamle metodistkirken i Hollendergata 8 på Grønland, i dag kjent som Cafeteatret.
Nordic Black Theatre drives av Jarl Solberg og Cliff A. Moustache, som i dag har den daglige driften på Cafeteatret samt andre prosjekter både i inn- og utland.
Nordic Black Theatre is a self-run theatre foundation established in 1992. The core activity is theatre production but we work with a wide spectrum of partners in a variety of creative arts. We also work with developing young transcultural actors via our theatre school Nordic Black Xpress (NBX).
From humble and challenging beginnings Nordic Black Theatre has grown into a well respected theatre institution that recieves funding from the Norwegian Ministry of Culture and the Oslo City Council. We cooperate with a wide range of groups and organisations including major national theatre institutions in Norway and abroad.
Nordic Black Theatre does not have a permanent ensemble but has created a network of freelance actors, musicians, technicians, writers and other professionals. Satelite groups and organisations have grown out of the theatre and we are proud to be a catalyst and inspiration from which young artists can flourish.
Nordic Black Theatre was founded and is still run by Cliff A. Moustache and Jarl Solberg.
Our venue – Cafeteatret – is used for our own theatre productions as well as concerts, open stage evenings, family events, poetry projects, seminars and much more!