«Living Pearls» with Laura Alvarez – intimate release concert
Thursday 26th April
The concert starts at 8pm (Cafeteatret is open from 2pm)
Tickets: 150,- (sold at the door)
CD album Perlas Vivas pays tribute to classic female Latin-American poets.
The Uruguayan-Norwegian artist Laura Alvarez, guitar & vocal, sets poems of significant female poets to music.
Laura grew up in a family where music, poetry and literature was part of daily life. Her father was a poet and a maestro de la guitarra, and introduced her into the world of music, teaching her classical guitar and solfège. She pursued her studies by teachers as Atilio Rapat and Abel Carlevaro, and later on she studied musicology at the University of Oslo.
Laura Alvarez musicalizes poems of Maria Eugenia Vaz Ferreira, Gabriela Mistral, Juana de Ibarbourou, Alfonsina Storni, Idea Vilariño, Rosario Castellanos & Claribel Alegría among others. As far as we know, this is the first musical work that pays homage to female Latin American poets.
Invited musicians participate at the concert as well.
«Levende perler» med artisten Laura Alvarez fra Uruguay og Norge.
Laura Alvarez gir smakebiter fra sitt nye album Perlas Vivas med tonesetting til diktene av noen av Latin-Amerikas mest kjente kvinnelige poeter.