lørdag 1. oktober kl 11:00, Gratis
Dørene åpner kl. 10:00
Welcome to the art event with Soroka where we will speak about traditional Ukrainian closets, patterns, and accessories. Also, we will recreate Ukrainian blouses with our unique paintings.
Запрошуємо на мистецький майстер клас з Сорокою де ми поговоримо про український національний одяг, узори та аксесуари. Також ми власноруч, за допомогою фарб, відтворимо сорочку своїми малюнками.
This project is an expression of solidarity with the Ukrainian people. Our aim is to bring the moment of joy, play and creativity and be together at this vulnerable time.
Come and enjoy some family time at Nordic Black Theatre, where some exciting activities await you and your little ones. It’s important to know how we can instill in our children the concept of solidarity.
The event is supported by Sparebankstiftelsen DNB.