7.–18. februar, 200kr / 120kr
Spilles ikke søndag 12. februar.
Nordic Black Theatre presenterer:
Maya Angelou: Black Woman Rising
Written by Kagiso Lesego Molope
Directed by Cliff A. Moustache
Choreographed by Bright Wamwanduka
About the great poet, singer, writer and activist Maya Angelou.
We tell the story of her life and work with music, dance and drama.
Maya Angelou var blant annet forfatter, lærer, danser, journalist, manus-forfatter, sanger, skuespiller, poet og aktivist. Hennes liv og arbeid var til stor inspirasjon for mange på 60- og 70-tallet, for generasjoner etter henne og bøkene hennes er fortsatt skolepensum verden over. Hun var en nær venn av både James Baldwin og Malcolm X. Hun snakket 6 språk, vant utallige priser og var mentor for mange kunstnere bl.a. Oprah Winfrey. Maya Angelou levde et utrolig liv som nå blir dramatisert med dans, live musikk og drama på Nordic Black Theatre.
Forestillingen er på engelsk
Varighet ca 1t. 30 min.
Dørene åpner 18:30
Maria Karlsen
Georgia May Anta
Gloria Zewelanji Raen
Aina Gnoutou
Hediyeh Azma
Maya Amina Moustache Thuv
Sankung Jobarteh
Uriel Seri
Olve Flakne
Jason Nemor Harden
Ombeline Chardes
Ass. director:
Fernanda Veloso Rodrigues
Shiva Sherveh
Sarah Rezayat
Petros Lappas
Emmanuel Prempheh
Gisella Francisca
Producer: Jarl Solberg
PR/Communication: Kamelia Javadi
Maya Angelou was, amongst other things, a writer, teacher, dancer, journalist, screenwriter, singer, actor, poet and activist. Her life and work were a great inspiration to many in the 60s and 70s and for the generations that followed. Her books are still on school curriculums worldwide. She was a close friend of both James Baldwin and Malcolm X. She spoke 6 languages, won numerous awards and was a mentor to many artists including Oprah Winfrey. Maya Angelou lived an incredible life that is now being dramatized with dance, live music and drama at Nordic Black Theatre
The performance is in English
Duration approx 1h. 30 min.
Doors open 18:30