Sounds of Celebration: Majãz Live – A Joyous Eid Adha Musical Extravaganza

tirsdag 27. juni kl 19:00, Standard - 220 Discount - 160 (students, members of Konsertforeninga, Norsk jazzforum)
Dørene åpner kl. 18:00


Join us for a mesmerizing musical journey as Majãz, the Oslo-based band renowned for their celebration of Arabic music, transports you to the vibrant festivities of the Eid celebration in the Middle East.

Immerse yourself in the enchanting melodies and rhythms that seamlessly blend with the radiant sun of Syria and Palestine, taking you on a captivating musical odyssey. Majãz’s passionate performances capture the essence of the region’s rich cultural heritage, infusing it with their unique contemporary arrangements and infectious energy.

As you enter the venue, be prepared to be swept away by the irresistible beats of Dabke, Tarab, and Shaabi music, as the band showcases their exceptional talents and remarkable musicianship. The evocative vocals of Rola Srour will transport you to distant lands, while Saleh Mahfoud’s masterful voice and guitar and oud playing will stir your soul.

The stage will come alive with the mesmerizing sounds of Jonas Cambien’s saxophone & synth, interweaving with the pulsating rhythms crafted by Adrian Myhr on bass, Øystein Aarnesv Vik on drums, and Jamal Safi on percussion. The collective artistry of these exceptional musicians will ignite your senses and leave you craving for more.

Whether you’re a devoted fan of Middle Eastern music or simply seeking an extraordinary musical experience, Majãz’s concert is not to be missed. Mark your calendars and spread the word to friends and family, as everyone is invited to revel in the euphoria of this remarkable Eid celebration.

Don’t miss this opportunity to immerse yourself in the magic of Majãz’s music, as they bring the captivating spirit of the Middle East to life. Book your tickets now and get ready to embark on a musical journey like no other!

Foto: Julia Marie Naglestad