Lørdag 14. august kl. 16:00-19:00, Botsparken (Grønland), gratis.
Come and enjoy the artistic performance of several local artists willing to share their talent.
This is a free cultural event in Botsparken at Grønlandsparken in Oslo.
Bohemia is an open mic event for amateurs and professional artists.
American rock, Latinrock and folk songs. Covers and original songs.
Norwegian, Midle East, African or Iranian songs? Join us for a relaxed event in the park.
Bohemia Open Air is a summer variation of the well-known Bohemian Nights organized by Ramon Gimenez and Fernando Jauregui.
Bohemia is now in collaboration with Kafésynk, the stage of Latin American music in Oslo and “Slipp Botsen Fri” organization. Slipp Botsen Fri is a collaboration of several artists, among Nordic Black Theatre and Painsolution. Their mission is to transform the previous buildings of the prison Botsen, into a cultural castle.
How: Bring your instrument, poem, or your favorite song. We provide stage and mic’s.
It is allowed to bring own food or drinks. Also bring a blanket to sit on or a chair. Open Air.
Bohemian Nights:
The concept is based on volunteering and the commitment has grown from a large network of non-professional musicians who perform music in Oslo. Bohemian Nights will gather and organize avid musicians and music enthusiasts for regular events.
Lille Botsen

Fra 29. mai – 17. september, gratis familiearrangement i Botsen parken på Grønland.
Hold deg oppdatert via Facebook-event og botsen.no
Gjennom vår- og sommersesongen vil vi presentere musikk, teater, sirkus og annen underholdning på Lille Botsen Amfi. Programmet varierer fra gang til gang, stort sett til faste tider, og veksler mellom tema og målgrupper.
Alle arrangementene er gratis med støtte fra:
-Bydel Gamle Oslo
-Oslo Kommune