Koèju [NO/UK], feat. WT Zeng (cello/electronics)
tirsdag 21. June | 20.00 | 100,-
Doors open at 19.00
Simon Matthew – drumpads, linnstrument, vocal
Åsmund Skuterud – push, octapad & guitar
WT Zeng – cello/live electronics
Koeju introduces a new collaboration with a young Taiwanese cellist and electronic music performer; Wei Ting Zeng has her feet firmly in both the classical tradition and in the exploration of modern expressions. She has had extensive classical training, with background as the orchestra cello principle and member of Island String Quartet. Lately she has wanted to get more out of her instrument and has therefore been exploring live FX processing of her cello sound to create fantastic soundscapes and textures. This sets the stage for a very interesting collaboration with the electronic duo Koeju, the three musicians will work together to build cinematic, ambient, and rhythmic improvised music, as always pushing the boundaries for use of technology to find new and engaging sonic expressions.
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Koèju started as a club project run by classically trained musician Åsmund Skuterud in Cairo and Shanghai before returning to Oslo where he was the host and bandleader for a monthly club night at one of Oslo’s most renowned jazz & concert clubs, called Blå. The project became a meeting hub for jazz musicians, visual artists, electronica artists and producers, always launching new projects and collaborations.
The project gained the attention of musician and filmmaker Simon Matthew (UK), who quickly became a frequent guest artist, experimenting with both sounddesign and live visuals. The fruitful collaboration eventually changed the direction of the project, turning it into a duo. They left their lives behind and moved to Barcelona in the spring of 2013. This was a development period for building up a skill set and the technical system needed to make the live electronic performances that they envisioned. The concept was clear: taking the solid sound design of a modern music production mixed with the raw energy of live performance. The result is energetic yet personal electronic performances where every single hit of the drum and melody is played by human hands. So, no loops or playback – just pure improvised rhythmic energy.
Wei Ting Zeng had an early introduction to music, started classical training in the music academy in Taiwan at the age of 6. She got fully involved in the classical music scene through music studies at the University, working as an orchestra cello principle and being a member of the Island String Quartet. She also worked on programs for improving art education in Taiwan. Today Zeng is a student in Oslo and working as a cellist and sound designer. The combination of a contemporary classical tone language and her customised setup for processing the sound live, creates an unique range of musical expressions in the live concert.
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